GDZ Electricity

Leading the way in reliable and efficient energy delivery, GDZ DSO continues its activities focused on technology and innovation in order to provide sustainable and high quality electricity distribution services in its service area with the motto "We distribute energy for life".

GDZ DSO delivers approximately 16,929 GWh of electrical energy to a total population of 5.9 million and 3.6 million customers in İzmir and Manisa provinces with 64,375 km of distribution lines and 34,773 transformers. In addition to electricity distribution services, it also takes part in energy generation with renewable energy sources, including 20 hydroelectric power plants, 3 wind power plants, 1 geothermal power plant with an installed power of 6.85 MW and 1 hybrid power plant with an installed power of 82.15 MW.

GDZ DSO is owned by Aydem Holding, one of Turkey's largest energy companies. More than 25 WPPs and 2 high-volume thermal power plants operate in the GDZ network.

Area of activity of GDZ is to build new distribution facilities and provide capacity increase, build additional facilities within the current network, carry out network operation and maintenance activities, evaluate the applications for energy connections, render service by concluding connection contract with electricity consumers, read index from meters, carry on lightning works, perform meter changing and calibration operations in electricity distribution, combat with technical and non-technical losses and to decrease the electricity failures, energy outage duration and numbers and provide continuity of electricity supply within the scope of investment program for electricity distribution services.

The area of our skills are as follows:

  • Energy efficiency
  • Remote Monitoring and energy management
  • SCADA systems
  • Integration of renewable energy sources into the grid
  • Big data and analytics
  • Network and Process Optimization
  • IoT
  • Supply Continuity
  • To meet the market participation demand of the consumer
  • Reducing Harmonics